How to Get a Job Using Online Channels 

How to Get a Job Using Online Channels 

With increased competition in the job market, recruiters are looking for more information to evaluate candidates. According to SocialTimes, 92% of recruiters use online, specifically social media, to evaluate candidates. This means how you manage your online presence...
“Why should we hire you?” in Job Interview 

“Why should we hire you?” in Job Interview 

“Why should we hire you?”If you were asked this question in a job interview, how would you answer? Would you say…            “You should hire me because I am a hard worker”?            Or “You should hire me because I am passionate about ABC company”? If you think...
5 Tips to Ace a Phone Interview 

5 Tips to Ace a Phone Interview 

After submitting your resume, a lot of companies now do a phone interview with a candidate before moving to an in-person interview.  This helps ensure there is a match between candidate and employer before committing the time and resources to doing face-to-face...

Yes! We have a plug-and-play job board – but we offer so much more!

Ability to manage and scale quality hands-on learning experiences.

Finally, a way to make curriculum mapping easy! Jobspeaker maps your curriculum to skills employers demand. Then Skills Mapping™ guides learners to programs that teach the skills needed for their dream job.

Automatically built from a student's completed coursework. It showcases what a student has learned, earned, and how it relates to employment.

Our products bridge the education-to-workforce talent pipeline through an AI data-driven platform matching in-demand skills to career pathways.