Purpose is
Educators, parents, and learners alike have common goals. All three want learners to gain the knowledge needed to enter the workforce, land a job that leads to career stability, and contribute more to their local community.
Helping students envision what is possible is only half the battle – educators must provide opportunities and exposure to these different careers. Managing Work-Based Learning can be complex. That’s why Jobspeaker is your ideal K-12 technology partner!
Pathway Learning
Jobspeaker provides Pathway Learning tools that link K-12 Career and Technical Education and/or postsecondary education and training to a sustainable career.
The platform helps align students with a pathway based on their interests and skills and shows a clear route to get from where they are today to the career they desire.
Career Exploration
Jobspeaker’s robust suite of tools allows learners to explore job market data for any industry and answer their most burning questions:
- “How much money can I expect to earn in a good job in that field, and where can I get a job like that?”
- “Will I like doing this kind of work when I am fully trained?”
- “How long will my education and training take, and where can I get it?”
Answering these and other key questions helps learners make informed decisions about their future!
How Does Jobspeaker Help?
No doubt about it, Generation Z craves stability, but they are more motivated by life-work (in that order) balance than prior learners. Let Jobspeaker help you offer the tools students need to identify their interests and make realistic plans on how to achieve a lasting career.
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Creating opportunities for 1 million+ students and clients

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