Writing a resume? 6 things you must check… 

Writing a resume can be difficult and challenging especially if it’s your first time doing so.
In this blog post we’ll provide some tips to help you through it and avoid some of the common mistakes.
We understand, it’s always a challenge, and there is no absolute right answer to a great resume, but here are 6 questions you need to ask yourself when writing a resume.  Use these to guide you through your resume writing process!

1. Is your resume simple, concise and clean?
It is often said that recruiters only spend 6 seconds to review each resume.
To avoid confusing them, keep your resume simple, concise and clean. For example,

  • Go easy on design of the resume, and avoid fancy-schmancy layout, font, or anything that distracts readers
  • Organize information in chronological order (Most recent to past experiences)
  • Try to summarize in 1 page. If you have extensive background or skills that are relevant to the position you are applying for, you may use 2 pages but try to extract the main points and keep it simple 

2. Does information on your resume align with LinkedIn profile?
Most of the time employer looks at both your resume and LinkedIn profile.
You probably have more information on LinkedIn profile (which is great!)
but make sure that all information on resume aligns and is on LinkedIn.
If there is a disconnection, your credibility might be affected.

 3. Grammar and spelling mistakes?
Avoid some of the common pitfalls in grammar, spelling, and typos – use simple tools to check or ask someone with experience to review.
A resume with grammatical mistakes is an instant turn-off for an employer.
Also try to use action verbs and professional terms to increase the strength of your resume and grab attention from readers.

4. Is your resume customized to the position?
Customize your resume to each position so that you can emphasize your strength and relate yourself to the position better than others.
Submitting the same resume for different position often times fails to meet requirements.
Take your time to review job requirements, company value and background to strengthen your chance of getting interview opportunity!

  • Are you writing in a tone that aligns with the company you’re applying for?
  • Does your resume show your relevant skills for the position? Even if you don’t have directly related experiences, you can mention transferable skills that you developed.

5. Is your resume unique?
To stand out from the crowd, how can you show that you are unique and more prepared for the role than others?

  • What makes you uniquely qualified for the role?
    g. do you work well in teams, have you highlighted that ability?
  • Employers are looking for well-rounded people. What interests do have you that show you’d be a great addition to the team?
    g. are you a part-time artist, do you dance, …?

6. Is everything true?
Any information that you provide could be the subject of conversation or questions in an interview.
Telling a lie on your resume does not help you in the long run.

Last but not least, before you send out your resume to anyone always ask people (multiple, if possible) to review it.  You have friends, parents or relatives that have been working and have navigated their job search – they’ve seen a few resumes or likely tried to pick out people from a resume to hire.

A second opinion is always useful – ask for their opinion, listen and make adjustments.

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Ivan Betancourt

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