4 Steps to Kickstart Your Job Search 

Hope your New Year is off to a great start!  After settling into 2017, perhaps you are considering a new job or perhaps you just graduated and are already seeking your first career.

Either way, understand that a job search requires some effort, time, and with work a bit of luck. Getting a job is not always an easy thing to do, but how you approach it makes a huge difference! Today, we will introduce 4 steps to kickstart your job search process.

  1. Organize
    When you start the job search, the first thing you need to do is to make clear what you are looking for. What type of position, company, and industry are you interested in? Is there any specific company you would like to work for? What is your desired salary range?
    If this is your first job, specifying these preferences might be difficult. Focus on what you have accomplished in the past (school, club, personal activity) and how you want to build your career.
  2. Prepare
    Once you have a better idea of what you are looking for, start searching for jobs that interest you and prepare your LinkedIn profile, resume, and cover letter. Always ask for opinions from your friends, and personalize the contents to each position.
  3. Use your network
    Now you have everything needed to apply for jobs! But before applying online, check your LinkedIn or other personal/social networks to see if anyone can help you get the desired position or introduce you to the right person. According to Lou Adler, 85% of all jobs are filled through this type of personal networking. So look through your contacts and ask for help.
    If you do not have an extensive professional network or do not know anyone in the industry you are looking for, do not worry. Search for relevant professional events or meetups online and start attending. Actively engage with conversations, and expand your network!
  4. Apply
    If you can find someone who can help, that’s great. If not keep applying for your desired positions, and impress the recruiters with your application. You can also find recruiters on LinkedIn and send cold emails. This is where hard work will pay off with some good luck. What makes you special? How can you stand out from the crowd? Be creative, show what’s makes you special – do the work to make yourself stand out and you will be rewarded!

What do you think? Write a comment below and share your thoughts. 
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Ivan Betancourt

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