You don’t have to be a parent to know that offering career exploration to kids under the age of say 13, is highly controversial. But why this is taboo is puzzling.
My own daughter plays competitive tennis. Before she began tennis, the advice was to have her take swimming lessons, which would develop her core and build strength for tennis. Each skill she learns builds on the one before until she developed her game.
A career is really no different. Each Work-Based Learning experience builds upon the last. That’s how desirable employees gain skills, depth and breadth of experience.
Start Career Exploration Early
Starting career exploration early doesn’t mean having your child choose a specific career path. Quite the opposite – it’s about helping kids be on the lookout for possibilities. The elementary years are full of self-discovery and career exploration is just a way kids can learn about themselves and the world around them (adults too)!
Learners today want and need skills that lead to a lasting career. They are more open to alternative types of education and don’t necessarily view a degree as the only path to a good education.
This is evidenced by the rapid growth of alternatives such as boot camps and registered apprenticeship programs. According to there were over 27,000 registered apprenticeships in the U.S. in 2022, that’s up from 23,400 just one year earlier. Bootcamps also grew during the same time period from 1,500 to about 2,100.
Give them Skills for Life
With more options for education, doesn’t it make sense to expose learners to career exploration as early as possible? It’s about helping everyone find skills for life that allow them to have meaningful work that they enjoy and are well suited to. Making a living sure is easier when you don’t have to drag yourself out of bed to go do the work. (yes, that’s said from experience).
Explore Jobspeaker’s full suite of career exploration tools. Schedule a demo now.