California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)

Does Jobspeaker share any Personal Information with partners?
We strive to protect your identity by first anonymizing any data collected before being passed on. We also don’t participate in selling data from banking sites, medical sites, or generally any site where you login that could contain personal or protected information. We are helping you by keep your surfing history protected and anonymous.

How does Jobspeaker protect the limited information we do have about our users
We use electronic and administrative safeguards, including advanced firewall and password protection for our databases to help protect the security of the information we do store. We also use military-grade encryption on stored data for additional security.

Do Not Sell Request
You have the right to request that your data not be sold by opting opt. To initiate the “do not sell” request please complete the form on this page and check the box for “Do Not Sell Request”.

If you choose to complete a “Do Not Sell Request” we will stop sharing your data with third parties.

Information Request
You have the right to request access to any personal information we have about you.

If you would like to request copies of the information we have collected about you please fill out the form entering the email that you signed up with for Jobspeaker and check the box for “Information Request”. Note that we have very little if any personal information about you since we only collect your email upon sign up. Upon your request, we will provide all data found in the CCPA’s “Right of Access” guidelines.

Delete My Data Request
You have the right to request the deletion of any personal information that we have stored in our databases about you. To initiate your request for your data to be deleted please fill out the form below and check the box for “Delete My Data”.

Upon your request, we can remove any information related to your account that could be considered “personal information”. However, if you continue to use Jobspeaker after requesting the deletion of your data you will be creating new information/data that would not be included or covered under your original request.

Please complete the form below and select the type of request:

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Yes! We have a plug-and-play job board – but we offer so much more!

Ability to manage and scale quality hands-on learning experiences.

Finally, a way to make curriculum mapping easy! Jobspeaker maps your curriculum to skills employers demand. Then Skills Mapping™ guides learners to programs that teach the skills needed for their dream job.

Automatically built from a student's completed coursework. It showcases what a student has learned, earned, and how it relates to employment.

Our products bridge the education-to-workforce talent pipeline through an AI data-driven platform matching in-demand skills to career pathways.