Some recent studies and papers published by Rutgers provide insights into how entities are using Labor Market Information (LMI) and how they could improve and expand that use. The reports suggest that (LMI) offers colleges and universities easy access to data that “can be used in myriad ways, including to adapt programs and credentials to stakeholder needs and to create opportunities for institutional leaders to make better decisions about program demand and viability; staffing and other resource needs; and employer and community partnerships.”
The authors go on to say, “As the economy shifts and the labor market responds to various crises and conditions, LMI has become increasingly relevant. LMI represents a significant opportunity for postsecondary institutions to understand better how their organizations and programs align with the changing labor market. We have demonstrated that LMI is useful for new program development, existing program review, curriculum alignment to valuable job skills, strategic planning, and winning grant funding.” Their study surveyed both a focus group and a sampling of various institutional entities and job titles to develop an overall snapshot of the state of use of LMI.